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Is It Possible to Do the Best?

Zeus, Athena and Poseidon bet to do what's best. They assign Momus to choose the best. However, Momus, who finds fault in everything, dislikes and criticizes what they do.

In this book, children discuss concepts such as jealousy, competition, criticism, ambition, success and happiness through a mythological story.

Would Fight Be The Solution?

One day, there is a magnificent wedding ceremony on Mount Olympus. Everyone was invited, not a single Eris. Eris comes to the wedding secretly and starts a big fight.


In this book, children discuss concepts such as conflict, war, peace, problem solving, revenge, understanding, and reconciliation through a mythological story.

Is it Possible not to Get Angry?

When Ms. Ipek said "In what situations does a person feel anger?",  everybody has so much to tell that they start arguing passionately.


In this book, children discuss concepts such as rights, injustice, resentment, anger, self-esteem, understanding and love through mythological heroes.

Can Anxiety Be Avoided?

Deniz gets anxious when he doesn't see his teacher in philosophy club class. Then Ms. Ipek comes, after apologizing for being late for two minutes, what a coincidence she says that the subject of that day is 'anxiety'.

In this book, children discuss concepts such as uncertainty, exam-anxiety, information pollution, sadness, joy, and positive thinking through mythological heroes.

Would We Laugh at Every Joke?

While Deniz and his friends are trying to understand what the Fallacies of Ambiguity are, they suddenly find themselves discussing concepts of joke and humour.


How do we feel in the face of a groaner, what is the difference between joke and humour, what if we create uncertainty in what we say? Let's think about these questions together.

Would We Rely on Every Word?

While Deniz and his friends are talking about what the Fallacies of Appealing to Authority are, they begin to discuss concepts of authority and power.


Is being an authority the same as being authoritarian, what happens if we listen to an authority without thinking of what s/he says, is it always true that the majority do? The book invites children to reflect on these questions.

Do Words Hurt?

Deniz and her friends, who came together to understand the Attack Fallacies, discuss concepts such as verbal attack and insult.  

How do we respond when we are verbally attacked? How can we be wrong when we are right? Are growing up and maturing the same thing? Are you ready to understand together?

Do Emotions Confuse Us?

Have you ever heard of the Fallacies of Appealing to Emotions? Deniz and her friends discuss logical errors made using threats, pity, and praise.

Can threatening, pity, or praise be methods of persuasion? Can we recognize and regulate our emotions? Yes, but if you are asking how, you can find some suggestions for children in this book.

Philosophy Class

This book consists of lesson plans developed for teachers and parents who want to apply the Philosophy for Children method. It includes philosophical investigations about the subjects in Primary School Life Studies and Social Studies courses.


Eighteen lesson plans, in which picture books are used as stimuli, cover not only the subjects and outcomes in the curriculum of these lessons, but also basic skills and values. 

A Small Dot, a Big Elephant

In this book, our heroes ask, “What is small and what is big?” It invites us to think about what we are comparing when we say something small or big.


The Little Thinkers Series was inspired by the Philosophy for Children (P4C) method, which aims to activate children's reasoning and conceptualization skills at an early age.

A Mountain Far Away, An Adventure Nearby

In this book, our heroes ask, “What is far and what is near?” It invites us to reflect and inquire about being far or near in space, time and emotion. 

The Little Thinkers Series is based on the principle that starting the learning journey by understanding opens the way for further learning. The books focus on the concepts included in the preschool education program. 

© 2016, LTS Education Consultancy Publishing and Trade Co.Ltd.

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